Renowned seabird photographer, Rachel Bigsby, has been announced as a new judge for the prestigious Bird Photographer of the Year 2025 competition. With a remarkable career in wildlife photography already at the young age of 27, Rachel brings both her expertise and passion for bird photography to the judging panel, continuing her journey with the competition that played a pivotal role in her rise to prominence.
Rachel’s connection to the Bird Photographer of the Year competition is personal and deeply meaningful. In 2023, she was awarded the coveted Portfolio Award, and the year prior, in 2022, she earned a highly commended recognition, accolades that helped establish her as one of the leading figures in seabird photography.
“I’m truly honoured to join the judging panel for Bird Photographer of the Year 2025. This competition holds a special place in my heart, as it was instrumental in my growth as a photographer. I know firsthand how much this platform means to aspiring photographers, and I’m excited to help celebrate and elevate the incredible talent that exists in the bird photography community.”
As a judge, Rachel Bigsby will evaluate thousands of entries from photographers across the globe, looking for those that best encapsulate the spirit and wonder of birds. Her unique perspective, shaped by her own experiences and success in the competition, will add a valuable voice to the panel.
The Bird Photographer of the Year competition is open to photographers of all skill levels, offering a range of categories that highlight the beauty, behaviour, and conservation of birds worldwide.: